Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Happy new year everyone!!!!! w00t may the year bring you loads of good luck and may 
your wishes come true and all the best in everything you do in the year of 2008 and have a good fortune and healthy and whatever the hell there is to say!
new year's day is a cliched cliche, whats the big deal anyway, its just another day >-)

It's 5am now and I'm like w00t wide fing awake.. all these sleepless nights are starting to bother me alot. Come to think of it, I havent seen the morning side of a day for the entire holidays now [maybe except for a few exceptional days]. All thanks to the late night outings I guess, screwing my sleeping routine upside down.

Speaking of late night outings, I have been [clubbing] three times in the past week. I'm already seeing [not so] imaginary holes in my pants! Oh, and speaking of clubbing, new year's eve at mardi
was a helluva experience la, raids+theft of bottles+fights+iduno wat all added up. wat a memorable night man.

Anyway, i am now officially trying to upkeep my blog, and from now on i will try my best to update this webbie! yes what a good habit to have. yes its on the resolutions list.

college's starting in 2 days' time, well its a good [and] bad thing. I love holidays, but like everything else too much of something can spell bad. yeah 2 months is too long imho. thank god i have a job to keep me occupied too.

not planning on sleeping tonight! gotta go take some coffee and tire myself so i can go to bed early tomorrow night. thats the only way i can fix my fked up sleeping routine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wah... wah a happy new year eve and wat a start for ur 2008. Hope all ur dreams come true and ur "gAl fREn" will apear soon.. haha.